The unfortunate part about dieting is the fact that we live in a world that demands instant gratification. Odds are you won’t see the impact of your work immediately, but that shouldn’t stop you from working just as hard and continuing your progress. More often than not, those who go on diets and don’t see instant results will take on the mindset that the diet isn’t working and will just give up on their goal. The tip here is to put the scale away for awhile because the more you check your weight, the less motivated you would feel if you do not see the instant results that you may have been hoping for. The truth is, for some it takes longer and more work to lose weight than it would be for someone and the trick is to get your metabolism up to speed and that takes time. Don’t let a small loss have a negative effect on your motivation. Slow and Steady The healthiest way to lose weight to aid your fight to keep off the weight is to lose slow and steady. While there are cases on television shows that have people losing weight in mass amounts at a rapid rate, losing between 1 and 2 pounds a week is very good for your body and it’s conversion to your new lifestyle. This varies between people and for some in extreme cases, losing weight faster may seem like the better idea, but let nature take its course no matter what. This also helps give the skin time to gain its elasticity back so that the change isn’t as severe on the physical appearance of your body. Taking the time to work hard and lose weight at a slow and steady rate will continue to push your body in the right direction in terms of how you feel and look. Don’t Lose Focus Weight will tend to fluctuate if you weigh-in too often and you’ll start to think that the diet is useless. Set a timeline on when you’re going to check your weight and stick to that and keep pushing forward no matter what the scale shows. It will take your metabolism some time to get going and speed up enough to burn whatever you eat and drink into energy so be patient with diets as wanting huge results too quick will only make it easier to lose focus on your long-term goal. If you make a short term goal on your weight loss, it makes it easier to check the scale when you reach the goal date. No matter if you want to lose a lot of weight or a little bit, set a date in the future to reach that goal by and don’t check the scale until you hit that date. This will prevent you from getting discouraged if you don’t show progress within the first week, but also remember that some will take longer than others to lose weight so even if it is a minimal loss, it’s always better than gaining weight. Image by puuikibeach on Flickr

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