success stories

Jake Gyllenhaal packed on the muscle for his latest role as a boxer in Southpaw, and he’s finally sharing a few se...
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Mark is your average Joe. He works hard, spends time with his family, and enjoys kicking back with bottles of beer with his buddies. After some time t...
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The year was 2012, and Anna who was a first year college student at Harvard was thinking about going back to her hometown in Orange County in 3 months...
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Susie is a girl that looks thin on the surface, with slender arms and legs. However, while she may look fit at first, when you look closer, youâ€â„...
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When Jim found out that his only daughter was getting married, he was extremely thrilled, and was very happy to be gaining a new son. However, in spit...
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Mary was pretty overweight when she and her then-fiancé decided to get married. When she was shopping around for a wedding dress, she came across t...
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